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Еще одна вариация на тему что сейчас происходит в мире или почему телевидение в формате HD так все изменило и вообще куда и к чему мы едем?

Еще одна вариация на тему что сейчас происходит в мире или почему телевидение в формате HD так все изменило и вообще куда и к чему мы едем?

Предупреждение! Если кто то будет троллить, камменты стираю сразу же без вопросов! Реагировать не обязательно! Мне просто хотелось высказать свое мнение и это ВАС совсем не обязывает реагировать 🙂 Много букв! Я не эксперт и вообще то что я здесь написал пропадет из вашего сознания ровно через десять минут! Негатива не надо!

Так вот, начнем с того что сегодня очень много новостей и всего сразу в перемешку, новости ползут как тараканы со всех сторон, новости политические, про здоровье про аварии про катастрофы, кто-то пытается в перемешку с новостям вам чего-то продать, сказать, отреагировать. Каждый кто чего-то то отвечает считает себя как минимум на уровне эксперта в любой данной отрасли, кто то просто тупо тролит, а кто то берет автомат… А это добавляет жару, ну а бизнес зарабатывает 🙂

Когда-то в 80-ых когда я был маленьким мальчиком и я жил в стране советов, ходил в школу, ездил в музыкальную школу, учился уму разуму и музыке. По телевизору показывали цветные мультики и было два канала (так как я жил в Таллинне, Финские каналы тоже ловились с усилителем и специальной приставкой, но у нас дома их не было). Советские новости передавались с очень большой осторожностью и через невероятную цензуру вплоть до изменения контента! (это я потом узнал когда в Израиль приехал и стал набираться другому уму разуму, там тоже было два канала до 92-го года!). Я стал думать а почему была цензура, а почему она и в Израиле тоже есть? В такой демократической стране как Израиль тоже оказывается есть фильтрация информации и теперь даже в США в 2017 году?! А может она есть везде?! Ответ, как не странно, дорогие мои друзья, ДА! Везде используется фильтрация информации и ее искажение в ту или иную сторону, а причины разные, политические, коммерческие, личные и так далее, это совсем не важно, важно то что МЫ всю эту херню читаем смотрим телевизор и СКЛАДЫВАЕМ ОБЩЕЕ МНЕНИЕ НА УРОВНЕ КАК МИНИМУМ ЭКСПЕРТА который может и хочет чего-то сказать и как то отреагировать! Мы же все всЕ теперь знаем, не так ли? Я не буду приводить примеры, это не важно 🙂 

Теперь, как это связано с телевизором в HD формате? Мне помнится во времена конца 20-го века когда были кассеты, винилы и видео магнитофоны на которых мы смотрели пиратские Рэмбо слушали Цоя, нас не очень интересовали новости (молодежь во основном до 20-и наверное) меня лично новости не интересовали вообще до того момента когда мне не пришлось голосовать за ТО ИЛИ ИНОЕ ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО уже в Израиле (какая разница?). Я стал слушать новости, потом новости остались в телевизоре в котором вместо двух каналов стало вдруг 100, а потом новости пошли в интернете через канал который страдает непробудной депрессией это Израильский вайнет… Потом в Израиле пошла новая эпоха интифад (какой по номеру не важно) важно что погибло много людей потому что кто то взял в руки автомат или взрывчатку (их легче сделать)… А кто-то это использовал в очередной раз чтобы менять общественное мнение. Потом пошло более лучшее качество вещания телевизионных программ (сегодня в США все каналы в HD и их сотни) интернет у меня дома 250Mbit ну и что? А дело в том что лучшее изображение господа улучшает достоверность источника 🙂 В 90-ых новости были в плохом пыльном качестве, сегодня же новости в HD aka живая реальность (переделанная) продается ВАМ не отходя от кассы! А вы сидите дома заходите через реально быстрый интернет и постите в Фейсбук ваше мнение которое не кому не интересно 🙂 Парадокс получается, не так ли? Все хотят высказать свое мнение быстро и качественно в HD формате, а другим не интересно! Так вот ребята: ЛАЙКИ, РЕТВИТЫ, ХАЙДЫ это все-го напросто лишь автоматизированный процесс переподачи ВАМ новостей, поэтому ОН БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ и поэтому в нем так много дезинформации который ВАМ же и МНЕ конечно заполняет херней МОЗГ. Может я и не всем открыл тайну природ интернет новостей, но он охеренно работает над всеми нами 🙂 Даже некоторым моим друзьям Американцам которые почему-то не любят сегодняшнего президента (а кто его когда-то любил?) даже если Президент в виде Обамы, Клинтона или Трампа? Какая нам к черту разница? Мы все равно будем платить налоги растить детей (если война, то посылать на смерть, а если мир то зарабатывать на жизнь и продолжать поколение ну и стараться быть здоровыми и жить подольше)…

К чему все идет? И куда мы все едем. А едем мы в одну большую революцию товарищи (как говорил Ленин)! Не соответствие мнении слишком качественной HD реальности уже приводит к тому что кто то контролирует информацией на том или ином уровне для достижении тех или иных целей. Информация уже продается, а цена будет падать, потому что все большие компании боятся не достоверной информации – это как с дешёвыми китайскими фонариками за пол доллара которые работают один раз…Когда цена упадет полностью, спрос на информацию спадет (и тогда полетят к черту все хайтек компании которые используют информацию как бизнес для своего роста) компании как Гугль Фейсбук Твитер и так далее. Кто-то просто придет и скажет или выдвинет закон о информации и ее достоверности (я не пускаю страны третьего мира которые быстрыми шагами приближаются к стране Гуголя их кстати больше и я это специально упустил). Самый страшный вариант, ну может и не страшный, а просто совершенно возможный вариант, это то что информация УЖЕ НЕ БУДЕТ ПЕРЕДАВАТЬСЯ ЧЕРЕЗ ИСТОЧНИКИ а просто будет показана сразу без фильтрации всем и сразу без ЭКСПЕРТ мнения через какую-то новую технологию. Как вам эта реальность? К этому ведь все и идет!!

I’m single man. Again…

On 26/08/2015, in Entries in English, General News, by admin

After 14 years of marriage, I’ve got divorced today.

New album available on iTunes, Amazon MP3, eMusic and Google Play.

The Sleeping Thunder album composed in 2008, is now available on the digital music web stores!
Please buy, listen and support me 🙂

In the near future I plan to release four additional musical albums:

1) Anabel – 2004-2008 Electronica album (a collection of my electronica works)

2) Temporal (2008-2009) – soundtrack from Oren Bartal video game (according to many requests I’ve got)

3) Perfectly Silent (2014) – new album inspired by our family trip to Estonia (album is about nature, feeling and nostalgia for my home land)

4) Oscar and the lady in pink (2008) – soundtrack from the play performed by Ukrainian theater in Lutsk a play written by

Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt

You can view the full play in Ukrainian language here:


Thinking health – propaganda around this topic and people who makes money from people wanting to regain health.

On 19/01/2014, in General News, Health, by admin

… If you born healthy, you will die healthy, if you born unhealthy, you will die unhealthy … Our destiny is our body pathology.

What is a healthy person? –
Are you considering yourself as a healthy person?
What do you do in order to pertain your healthy condition?
Are you using a guide, does it cost you money?

For a start I want to declare the following, I don’t like:
1) Propaganda and advertising of any kind, specifically performed by government agencies claiming to be on the public health side subjecting this or that is good or bad for health, therefore, used by advertising agencies to sell something or benefit from personal information about someone.
2) People who sell knowledge about health for money making purpose.
3) People who are not MD claiming knowing more about normal health levels than an MD

Why did I decide to write this article?
During the past two decades, there have been an increased awareness about public health around the world, the world which I call, the industrialized world, world in which you can buy things for the money you earn. In this world, you can see more people running around your house, more cyclists cycling the bicycles on the road. You can see and hear more people quit smoking, drinking, gambling, making a diet for reducing or gaining weight. You can see people who are obsessed with health completely, 7 days per week they are in a gym. They eat only healthy and organic food, they sleep in bags and not only during their lifetime. You can later hear the news: He was a very healthy man, eating grass, died from heart disease he previously had… He was found dead, in place, condition, position, analysis & autopsy… Well, people are going to die eventually at some point of time anyway. The question is how, and if this question is relevant. Well, actually it is relevant in both aspects, everybody are interested how are they going to die, I didn’t perform any statistical analysis between the candidates, but I assume the candidates don’t want to die in the following conditions: due to cancer disease, pain, agony, hell, heart attack, Alzheimer, whatever, the medical books with diseases has lots of fun reading description about thousands diseases our body can perform the death part of our lives. Most people who lives in the industrialized world, believes in the legend that if they live healthier life it can protect their bodies from these diseases in bodies older ages or now. Well, I want to open your eyes, you can’t protect yourself from from anything. You can run a marathon and the drop dead near the finish line, if you’re lucky enough the MDs can help your body restoring half of your usual body functionality, and then you become an invalid for your next half life…
I’ve decided to write the article for the people who believes in the health legend, the propaganda performed by the government and I want you to ask yourselves at the end are you doing the right thing for being healthier?

Example of an health extremist / activist who doesn’t believe in the MD Gods.
What is an MD God? MD God is an urban legend explanation about the doctors who knows everything about the human body, and can fix it in any condition given. Well, actually it is not true. MD God are actually people who just have the medical knowledge attained with years and practice they simply know more than an average individual about the human body and biology, they have met more ill individuals and fixed more than you’re in your lifetime, and well, they can use their knowledge to maintain or fix the illness of that specific individual, and usually it works out OK statistically speaking, otherwise, most MDs would be out of job. Thye are not, in any case MD Gods, simply professionals with knowledge.
The most interesting example of an health activist who performs a propaganda about health is one of my friends who is 45 years old. Was definitively a healthy man, he have a well built body structure, he didn’t suffer from any chronic diseases, the only two “problems” that he had, is smoking 1-2 packs of cigarettes and drinking 150mg of Vodka on daily basis. Well, actually he did that for lots of years and didn’t have any health problems during that time. At some point of his life he “decides” to be a healthier person by choosing. I want to conclude, he actually could choose that direction because he was already a healthy individual at that point of his personal life. He could drastically change his view to other direction and do whatever he likes. Now, he still smokes, but doesn’t drink, he is a Vegan, he is fasting once a week for 24 hours, he is making lots of physical activity, and according to what he says, he is a lot more healthier than he was before. Now, he teaches his “students” the same way of life, claiming that it is healthier for money and advertising. He doesn’t believe in MD Gods, claiming the MD Gods will take your life faster than you think.

Example of an hypochondriac activist who believes in the MD Gods.
Well, actually I have a person whom I know well, she is 63 years old, already have two chronic diseases, elderly diabetes type 2 and arthritis. The first disease is a gate for additional chronic diseases, such as kidney dysfunction, osteoporosis, cardiovascular problems and some more, the second disease is just a bad luck of her past workplace she worked in a very cold and humid place. During the age of late 50, she got her second disease, during the next 8-9 years she got her first disease – diabetes type 2. These both disease must be managed, otherwise the individual can develop additional conditions which are harder to treat and it will shorten the life of that specific individual. Adding that body condition to the fact you can’t live without properly managing these diseases developing a hypochondria will simply assimilate that individual being physically bound to his MD God. There would be no choice of drastically changing the point of view here. The question which matters now, if she could prevent these diseases before, by doing sports and eating healthy food at the age of 40? I don’t think so. As I claim here, that our bodies pathology is actually our destiny. If you born healthy, you will die healthy, if you born unhealthy, you will die unhealthy. This person was already born unhealthy. She run to doctor with each physical condition she had, stating that she is terribly ill taking antibiotics against cold and high fever. And etc’, if she just could wait few days at home with the health conditions, she might avoid taking antibiotics of any kind. This is of course a type of depressive disorder called hypochondria which should be treated and not with antibiotics.

How unfortunate this sounds, but this actually a better truth than the legend of making yourself a healthier person. I want to pinpoint the information about the health products perusing that legend and that’s why they actually a good sell, and why a medicine which is a health product anyway are a good sell otherwise… So actually we have the condition in our industrialized world, individual who is healthy, can purchase health products and be healthier, an individual who has minor manageable chronic disease, like HBP, which doesn’t limit that individual performing him any physical activity, can buy both health products and medicine, and individual who is totally ill with more than one chronic disease, completely entrusted to MD Gods. I want to additional close-up on the healthier person individual who is living a healthier life, meaning, buying more natural and organic products which are proclaimed to be natural (you’re what you eat, a famous Chinese joke), buying health products to believe that he is actually a healthier person.

This is all an urban legend of people who chooses to be believe what they choose to believe in (1999 – Matrix). Individual of type 4, doesn’t exist. The three types of individuals are very good potential buyers of health / medicine products the companies have to offer. And the government are here to help. Specifically I like they anti-advertisements against smoking of cigarettes. I didn’t perform any statistic comparison, but I think logically, a person who lives in the city center automatically smokes so much tar and smoke without even being a smoker, is exposed? The cost of treating cancer in individuals is very high, so the government must find a solution of whom to blame? The stats of cancer per 100k cancer diseases are around 300 per 100k, so in a big city like New York there would be around 30000 individuals who are sick, half of them are going to die within 1-2 years, other half within 5 years, and the other half will survive. What about the other 10000000 – 30000 = individuals who are not ill with cancer, but ill with something else? The diseases like cancer is not a very common disease, what about heart attacks, heart problems, kidneys, liver, Alzheimer and more? Why the government chooses to fight for the 30000 cancer ill people and not other harmful diseases? The answer is simple, government seeks more funding to treat cancer because it is in currently in fashion. But instead of reducing pollution in cities it just hits the tobacco companies… Anyway, that’s the truth.

So back to my questions?
What is a healthy person? In my humble opinion, a healthy person is person who feels by all his subjective parameters as a healthy person. For example if I smoke and smoking relaxes me after meal, and I feel great, I’m a healthy person. For example: If I can run 5km 3 times per week without being “killed” after that run, if I can help my neighbor in his garden for hard 1-2 hour work without getting to a hospital. If I can be relaxed at places and situations where I should be relaxed. Sleeping good, eating good… etc’

Do you consider yourself as a healthy person? I think the question that should be asked here, do you consider yourself as a happy person? Yes, I’m a happy person, most of the time.

What do you do in order to pertain your health condition? I do things I like to do. I try to avoid smoking, living in cities, working in stressful and unhealthy environments, I do sex, I read and develop personally. I like running, doing Kung-Fu and perform 5 tibetan rites on daily basis. It keeps me in good shape for now. I don’t look to far to the future, I like helping people. I cannot be prepared for anything physically speaking I hope for the best. I have prospects to learn something new.

Do you use a guide? No I don’t. I don’t believe in guides. Just empirically doing and learning by myself. Life is Open Source.

Automated blogs, direct linking etc’…

On 28/12/2010, in General News, Linux stuff, by admin

Unfortunately, I had to block access to /music 🙁 People started to share links and various music sites checking the availability of my music online started to play it automatically without even knowing it… So currently I have user and password there, just to stop these idiots. If you need password and username just message me or send me an email.

It’s daniel\ at\ dmelody\ \com

Just some news…

On 29/11/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Music Composition, by admin

A good friend of mine left to Canada… I hope he and his family would do well there. Another friend is getting divorced… A job I do, is interesting, I enjoy it, sometimes it is hard, but if I plan and stick to the plan, everything works just fine. Started to do more sports twice or even three times per week, I progress in weight lifting, started to gain my weight too. Eating and feeling almost normally, less heartburns, although, I think it is also related to the fact that I went to some nutritionist to take some natural food addons, which helped.

Met with friends for lunch at goocha today, was really nice and fish was very spicey 🙂 Alex prepared a photoalbum of his photographs and it is really admirable that he made a complete work of his photos! Congrats Alex! here his site to visit:

Other things to mention, the Reiki album was a disaster… No one talked about it, wether it was good or bad or anything. And it made me really sad, I started to think maybe I’m doing somethig wrong? Or my music started to bore… I stopped and looked on myself, and found that my music is boring. It made me feel really bad. And currently I stopped creating, I think of how do I really compose something that is interesting and smart, as I did few years ago. Then people really loved my music, which currently not the situation.

Thoughts about the issue with my music are currently none, except the fact that I always based on harmony as basis and generated improvisational melodies around the harmony structure. I found that my harmony knowledge is fulfilled, and not interesting anymore, I need to find other ways to compose.

My new job.

On 13/09/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Work related, by admin

I think I like my new job at this small and nice startup. People are alive! The technology is burning hot like fire. I had a slow start at first, but now I’m involved and making the thing happen. Let’s do it!

Last day at Israel

On 25/08/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Work related, by admin

Well, tomorrow would be my last day at Israel Hertzelya, I worked there for 1 year and 1 month as a vendor through some company. Objectively looking – yes I learned some interesting stuff there, and got a broader view on things and how everything is done. But, I also learned how things should not be done, and not technically speaking. Success of a project, technically speaking is only 20%, 80% is people related and that’s where it all went wrong, but that’s a different story.

I cannot tell whether I’m happy, sad or renewed. I’m going to start working at new place called Contextream, a small startup company in Petah Tikva as a senior QA engineer. I’ve been working few years in big companies and few years in small startups. Yes – I can tell the difference, both types has its pros and cons, I cannot tell which one is better. I only know one thing, since I’m still young I can learn and achieve new goals, because I’m well motivated and has lots of knowledge. And I think I can tell what would happen in 10-15 years from now – I’m going to retire 🙂 Hopefully.

I’m a bit anxious about the new place, new people and new technology. But it is going to be alright. Will keep you posted how everything is going.

My first show!

Few weeks ago I started to work on my new live show where I would be performing live! Actually I was thinking about something real, not written, improvised, but within boundaries. I’m going to preset 8-10 compositions with specific sounds. And play within a specific theme. This would be recordered to cubase and video. I think it would be great! I’m planning to release the show on the midst of August 2010. I also hope to gather as much people as possible. With regards to content, it would be a digital electronic music including, Piano, Omnisphere, Battery 3, Roland patches from XV-5080 and RD700sx digital Piano. The themes would be some old compositions I made like 10 years ago, some dynamic, some slow and mostly nice music for the soul. No words of course. I’m really thrilled to hear people comments, as the age group would vary from 20 to 60, which is hard to pinpoint, but I hope to get a good feedback and support! Good luck to me!

How would you like your coffee?

On 28/04/2010, in Entries in English, General News, by admin

I like mine black, putting a big portion of melted coffee inside a cap, heating the water to the 100C, and then instantly putting that boiled water to the cap, not slowly, but fast! All the melted coffee would go up. Then, put one portion of sugar. Wait 5 minutes, and you’re ready to go! Have a nice morning!

2 hours to get to work today…

On 25/04/2010, in Entries in English, General News, by admin

Woke up pretty early around 6 am, sat with my little girl as she woke up, we played was fun. Thought to myself, I’ll get out early this morning and get to work at 8:30am… Well, I got to work only at 9:30am… Amazingly all the roads were so busy, seems to me like everybody decided to leave the house at the hour I decided to leave. All the roads were jammed to death. I wonder: If I get out of home at 9:30am I get to work at 10:15am, if I get out of home at 7:30am I come to work at 9:30am… I guess coming 45 minutes late to work would save me 2 hours… OR leaving home at 6:15am… Would save me 2 hours later… But  waking up so early???!!!

Just opened a new blog – people already trying to hack my website :)

On 22/04/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Hacker stuff... Allek, by admin

Well, good luck with that! I hope you succeed!  I’m backing up my website daily, and well, I don’t have anything to hide here. Only few XXX movies 🙂

In my error_access.log saw few IP addresses originated from Amsterdam and UK cities trying to brute force various URLs and seeking the faulty phpmyadmin application which I don’t have anyway (I know it sucks) 🙂

Kids, stop playing with script applications that you don’t understand how they work 🙂 If you try hacking me, believe me I can hack back!

Old friends

On 18/04/2010, in Entries in English, General News, by admin

At some point of life you might meet / want to meet old friends, with which for some strange “life” reason you might sieze to call / want to call… Today I met a dear old friend of mine from the army. Old things we fight usually the same, struggle to live and enjoy it not always working out. But we had a good lunch eventually for strange reason he forgot to pick the wallet, so I paid for the lunch – a reason to meet again 🙂 Talked about things, was nice!