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My new job.

On 13/09/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Work related, by admin

I think I like my new job at this small and nice startup. People are alive! The technology is burning hot like fire. I had a slow start at first, but now I’m involved and making the thing happen. Let’s do it!

Last day at Israel

On 25/08/2010, in Entries in English, General News, Work related, by admin

Well, tomorrow would be my last day at Israel Hertzelya, I worked there for 1 year and 1 month as a vendor through some company. Objectively looking – yes I learned some interesting stuff there, and got a broader view on things and how everything is done. But, I also learned how things should not be done, and not technically speaking. Success of a project, technically speaking is only 20%, 80% is people related and that’s where it all went wrong, but that’s a different story.

I cannot tell whether I’m happy, sad or renewed. I’m going to start working at new place called Contextream, a small startup company in Petah Tikva as a senior QA engineer. I’ve been working few years in big companies and few years in small startups. Yes – I can tell the difference, both types has its pros and cons, I cannot tell which one is better. I only know one thing, since I’m still young I can learn and achieve new goals, because I’m well motivated and has lots of knowledge. And I think I can tell what would happen in 10-15 years from now – I’m going to retire 🙂 Hopefully.

I’m a bit anxious about the new place, new people and new technology. But it is going to be alright. Will keep you posted how everything is going.

Microsoft toilets

On 26/05/2010, in Entries in English, Work related, by admin

The urge… I’m feeling a need to go to the toilet now, release me – the gentle voice of the bottom abdominal calls. Easily standing up from the chair I’m going to the rest room. There are 3 doors; one is open, but this is for the disabled ones, I won’t use it it’s immoral, the second door is closed with the little red light on, probably busy. The third door is closed, but the light is green. Which door should I choose? The question is about the third door, which is closed, but with the green light on. I think there is a little surprise there, maybe it’s not clean enough? Why the door is closed? I choose the first door for the disabled ones, and release my urge. Is it an immoral thing to do? Releasing the urge in the disabled person toilet? I think so, I’m a very immoral person.

My experience interviewing for Google

On 18/05/2010, in Entries in English, Work related, by admin

Google is an advertising company, it sells information about products and products are people. It is successful because it uses human basic feature set of skills, such as: viewing, reading, understanding and humans themselves. I was once wanted to work for Google, since I thought, it would be great to have Google in my resume, but once I started, I very soon understood that it is not so easy as it seems. For a very junior position of field tech support engineer at Google site Israel (supporting desktops, IT and etc’ job for STUPOIDS). For that kind of position Google required 2 phone interviews, 2 interstellar video conferencing interviews, meeting with GM of Google Haifa and Google Tel-Aviv… Not including meeting with HR and two additional technical interviews… I had 8 months of terror going and wasting my time and nerves for try and apply to Google, at the end of which they have notified me that the position is frozen. After half a year the HR called me again and offered the same position again, I said OK, it took the HR about 3 additional months to get back to me and humiliate me again with additional interviews at the end of which they said that I’m not technical enough… It was not an easy time for me, personally speaking. I won’t elaborate. At my last meeting with HR I was really mad, and said that even if Google would have an available position for me I won’t wait additional 2 years to get a job at Google. Bye Bye.

I have a linkedin professional profile, which I changed few days ago to be a Linux Developer and added my specialties to have: Linux kernel hacking, Linux hardening and other neat features. 1 day after, Google recruiter sent an email offering a Web Application Admin position, but not in Israel, which I gladly refused.

If you wish to be humiliated and postponed, go working for Google. Otherwise – be what you are and believe in what you choose to believe – be yourself and achieve your technical and professional goals without adding fancy companies in your resume.

Просто не могу больше работать.

On 16/03/2010, in Work related, Записи на Русском, by admin

Уже который день я сижу напротив экрана, пытаясь еще чего-то сделать с этим долбанным документом который будет использован немецкой фирмой по имени Тувит. Все microsoft security products проходят этот процесс. Я взял демо документ, и просто оху-л…. 120 страниц полной биллиберды! На меня вновь повеяло депрессией, появилось усталость, бессоница и плохие мысли, может прямо сейчас? Бросится с красивого балкона Микрософта в Герцелии, оставить записку, Даник все?
Бред какой-то… Опять сменили начальника, меняют их здесь как перчатки. Предедущий начальник, сказал: “Даник, мы уверены в том, что ты сможешь пройти этот сложный процесс и не подведешь нас!” у меня ёкнуло под горлом и в желудок скатилась тяжелая слюна… До конца недели надо сдать первый драфт, а у меня готово только 10 процентов, заставить себя доделать эту фигню, я просто не в состоянии. Читаю интернет, смотрю на биржу, короче страдаю…